“Dazzling and Inspiring” – Presenters energise and impress at SHAPE Noosa

28 August 2024


SHAPE attendees were greeted with blue skies and sunshine when RCSA’s highly anticipated conference kicked off at Peppers Noosa last week. On the back of last year’s epic Hamilton Island adventure, the pressure was on…and the A-Team delivered.

“I have had members declare SHAPE Noosa, the best conference ever, says RCSA CEO Charles Cameron.

“Noosa was beautiful but I think what made this year really stand out was the content. The diversity of inspiring speakers was incredible. It was hard to pick a highlight because there were just so many takeaway moments.”

The conference kicked off with a sunset networking celebration at the Sunshine Beach Surf Club. Attendees had their glasses filled with a smorgasbord of tantalising tasting plates and soulful live music. The next morning, Peppers Conference Centre was alive with industry exhibitors and interactive displays. SHAPE Noosa had officially swung into action.

MC Extraordinaire, Andrew Klein theatrically kicked off proceedings by introducing the captivating Dr Kirstin Ferguson to the stage. Dr Ferguson set the standard, delivering a compelling and highly thought provoking presentation on modern leadership. It was an emotive, interactive and unforgettable way to begin.

“Dr Ferguson set the bar high from the outset. Her presentation had it all and really made you think about what it means to be a leader and how leadership comes in all shapes and forms,” says Cameron.

The second act was a humorous and fast paced Q&A session between RCSA President Penny O’Reilly and Prime Super’s new CEO, Raelene Seales. It was an energetic meet and greet that (at times) had the audience roaring with laughter.

After a few moments to collect and compose, the whirlwind that is Brad Shackleton stormed the stage. Brad’s energy was infectious, his take on how to create a winning recruitment business had the audience on their feet. He bounced through his content at lightening pace. It was a thorough and captivating performance that recharged the batteries in time for morning tea.

After the break the audience was treated to a presentation from Bullhorn on rising above economic waves, before Ashley Fell took the podium. Ashley’s session on leading generational change and digital advancements got members talking. The room was bewitched by her refreshing content and enthralling presentation style.

After lunch, the concurrent sessions began. It was a choose your own adventure with Nina Mapson Bone FRCSA, Arun Pradhan and Tony Barnes breaking away to deliver three engaging and vastly different conversations. Matt Tice, Holly Scully, Sophie Robertson FRCSA and Ross Stewart rounded out the midday marathon before a well-deserved afternoon tea was delivered.


Slightly weary after a HUGE day of content, it was up to Grant Wright from SEEK to get the audience firing again. His presentation on how AI is reshaping recruitment garnered swift audience attention.

“Having Grant present on AI was really eye opening for many members. It’s one of the most topical subjects right now and there remains a lot of discomfort and uncertainty around it. I think he was able to break it down really well and appease some of the skeptics out there,” says Charles Cameron.

Day one concluded with a goal kicking presentation by former Matilda, Lydia Williams. Lydia was a natural and candid presenter who preached about the importance of leaving a legacy. Her presentation, was inspiring and at times, emotional. It was the perfect way to finish 8 hours of power.

Party time. Members swapped the notebooks for Havana hats and a spicy night of entertainment at Noosa’s spectacular Boathouse. To the beat of the drums, they danced, ate and socialised in Cuban style. When the energy was depleted, it was time for a night of rest and rejuvenation ahead of another day of pure ear candy.

Day 2 launched into action with the one and only Maz Farrelly. Any weary heads soon perked up. Her session on ‘dull costing you money’, was DYNAMIC. Maz was brutally brilliant in her execution. She lit up the stage with a bit of Rick Astley and a whole lot of audience interaction. There was NOTHING dull about the way Maz opened the final day. Her presentation was a highlight for many.

It was a hard act to follow but Martin Herbst held his own. His conversation about successful leadership and navigating the five stages of growth put a spin on the norm, taking members into the first break with food for thought. Trudy MacDonald and Blake Thomson excelled after morning tea. Trudy delivered an interesting perspective on remuneration and incentive design for agencies, while Blake threw out a lure, delving into strategies on how to become the ‘bigger fish.”

After lunch was a stimulating panel session with Penny O’Reilly MRCSA, Maarten Roosenburg, Kylie Heffernan and David Stewart FRCSA on the culture crunch. They dove into how cultures are being challenged and delivered a few tips on how to effectively respond to provocations. Tim Martin followed suit with a presentation about the AI Edge. He delved into the latest AI technologies on offer with tips on how to leverage the technology in business.

After satiating hungry stomachs and a hit of caffeine at lunch, we were down to the final two presenters…both hit it out of the park. Amantha Imber’s energy, wit and humor gained full audience participation as she helped the members find their focus by highlighting strategies to turbocharge productivity and wellbeing.

Then there was one…and ‘oh biscuits’ it was a ‘beauty’. A story about hard work, following the passion within, finding your people and sticking to your values. Bluey creator, Joe Brumm shared a ‘tail’ about developing an animation juggernaut about a little blue dog. His unpretentious and genuine presentation style was quintessentially Aussie, and re-enforced the message that with a good team behind you and by sticking to your guns, its never too late to give up on a dream. There were a few tears from audience members when Joe signed off. His story was an emotional and unforgettable end to SHAPE 24.

But…WAIT, there was more!

In true RCSA style, attendees were treated to a fabulous final farewell event at the scrumptious and suave Miss Moneypenny's. Conversations flowed and bellies were filled as members reflected on a successful and highly engaging event. For those lucky enough to have joined the ride, we thank you. For those who missed out, preps are about to begin again for next year’s conference. We would love to see you there. The bar has been set high, but RCSA isn’t afraid of a challenge. Location and dates to be released soon.