Erwin’s journey towards his dream job

3 July 2024



A year ago, Erwin Lopez moved half away around the world from his native Ecuador to New Zealand, seeking a better quality of life and secure employment.

“The economic situation at home makes it difficult to get ahead, says Erwin.

“It was a huge decision to move so far away from my family and friends. I miss them, but I love my job, have had incredible support and have no regrets.”

The 47-year-old father of two grown children works as a warehouse team sorter for Echo Tech, New Zealand’s largest e-waste recycling company. It’s a rewarding job and Erwin is excelling in his role.

“I work with great people. Our team and the customers are really nice. My colleagues are becoming my family here in Auckland. Professionally, I hope to stay with Echo and grow my role here.”

It’s a job he wouldn’t have been able to secure without the committed and holistic support of RCSA member, ERG Recruitment, an agency that prides itself on treating its candidates and employees with respect by making sure they are employed safely, legally and paid properly. ERG only engages with companies that share its values. When Erwin arrived, his initial experience was fraught with challenges.

“Before I was connected to ERG Recruitment, I came over to work with a specific company, but when I arrived here there was very little opportunity to engage with them, recalls Erwin.

“I was only provided three days of work in a two-month period, which was stressful.

“Immigration New Zealand stepped in and provided me with an updated visa, which gave me the opportunity to look for work elsewhere and find a different place of work. This is how and when I got together with ERG. They were friendly and made finding a job a smooth and efficient experience.”

Within two weeks, the team at ERG had found a place for Erwin at Echo Tech. He started off in a temporary role and is now a full-time employee, valued and adored in his work community. He loves everything about his job and hasn’t looked back.

“It was a huge decision to pack up my life and start again but I think it’s best to prioritise decisions that are right for you and to be brave in the situations you find yourself in.

“People face hard decisions and circumstances all the time, but you need to be strong and have trust in yourself to make bold decisions and then back that up with hard work.”

Erwin says he has no plans to leave Aotearoa and is looking forward to his family coming out to visit him and the country he has grown to love.


“I am so thankful to ERG and to Echo Tech for helping me to get to where I am today. I feel really valued and supported and am appreciative of the support I have been given. I’m excited for the future.”