The RCC - Your launchpad to success

25 June 2024

RCSA’s Recruitment Consulting Certificate (RCC) is a highly interactive, four-week course specifically designed for recruiters with less than 12 months experience. It’s a program like no other, crafted and delivered by industry veterans. The RCC involves self led e-learning modules and includes weekly engaging workshops. It’s a practical and highly relevant learning opportunity that participants can’t stop raving about.

“Both myself and our staff found the RCSA Recruitment Consulting Certificate to be fantastic. It was extremely well organised, very practical and highly interactive. The presenter had years of experience to draw upon and had a positive and warm communication style which was very much appreciated by the participants. I would highly recommend the course to anybody new to the industry or people getting back into the industry after a break.” – Connor Brady.

“I have recently graduated from university and I have only been in recruitment for 3 months. I would recommend this course to my peers at uni who are also new to recruitment. The training has refreshed my existing knowledge and given me some new insights too. It is invaluable to keep up to date knowledge of the industry in order to be confident and successful." – Gabrielle Davis

Completing the RCC gives recruiters a strong foundation to launch their careers. Its format was recently revamped to reflect the ever changing and past paced nature of the recruitment industry. By completing the course, participants receive 25 CPD points and receive the coveted title of Accredited Professional Recruiter (APRCSA).

Enrol in the RCC today to outpace the competition and shine in a high-stakes industry

For more information email [email protected].