Rockstar Producer, Maz Farrelly to stir things up at SHAPE

12 June 2024


Maz Farrelly doesn’t do dull. If you’re not interesting, she is not interested.

“When I ask someone what it is they do, if the answer is boring, I think…. right, I probably won’t lose any sleep if we never meet again”, says Maz.

“When I present at SHAPE I am going to teach you how to be the most interesting recruiters and leaders in the industry. Being dull drains dollars.

“If you can’t create impact, influence, and keep attention, you might as well pack up and pursue hobbies like baking sourdough or learning golf.”

Maz Farrelly is an expert at captivating audiences and preaches the importance of making stories unforgettable in a world where it’s easy to get lost in white noise. During her career she has been a stylist and a journalist, but Maz is most well-known for her works producing some of the world’s biggest television shows.

“I only choose jobs that are fun. I have never had a boring job. I have worked on Big Brother, Dancing With The Stars, The X Factor, Celebrity Apprentice and The Farmer Wants A Wife, just to name a few. You’ve watched it? I have probably made it.

“I produce people to give them the WOW factor. Life is a sales pitch, and no one is buying if you’re not selling it right.”

When Maz presents at RCSA’s SHAPE conference in Noosa this August, she will share tips designed to get you and your business noticed. Her session promises to be a game-changer for professionals looking to elevate their communication and engagement skills. She guarantees that when the hour-long session is up, you will be armed with the tools to take your business to the next level.

“As a producer, I work very hard on my content. With 30 years creating, I've got an unfair advantage over other people.

“I'm very careful about what I do and how I do it. My process is 100% guaranteed. If you don't like it, come and have a word with me afterwards.”

Maz says she won’t teach you how to recruit or how to run your business, but she intends to make sure people know your business exists and that they like it before they've even met you.

“I want to show you how to position yourselves in the marketplace as the leaders. I’ll help you craft a compelling narrative to captivate your audience. I’ll teach you how to make a strong first impression, how to engage your audience. When you walk away I want to make sure you have what it takes to improve your communication and engagement straight away.”

The ultimate storyteller, Maz’s session promises to be interactive and engaging from start to finish. She’ll regale the audience with real life showbiz yarns. There will be humour, it will be entertaining and most importantly, enlightening.

“First impressions are everything, says Maz.

“I use Hollywood hacks to help businesses grow. I help people deliver their message with the impact of a cement fist and a soft cashmere glove. I help companies have the X factor.”

To get the edge and see Maz present live, register for SHAPE Noosa now. For a discount, don’t forget to book your early bird tickets by June 30.