Harness the Power of Technology and People at SHAPE NZ  

18 June 2024


Melissa Crawford is a futurist and leading expert in the future of work. She has a unique skillset that covers both people and technology. In today’s rapidly changing world of work, her insights have never been more relevant.

In October, Melissa will take the stage at RCSA’s SHAPE conference in Marlborough with a topical and stimulating presentation designed to get the audience thinking.

“I will be bringing the latest research to the table. If it sounds scary, I’ll explain it in a good context, hopefully with a bit of humor. There will be a lot to cover, but I intend to leave the audience with a taster that should lift their curiosity, drive excitement and also act as a bit of a reality check.”

Melissa knows her stuff. She has two technology degrees and more than two decades experience working for some of NZ’s largest companies on strategic people and technology projects. With exposure to the painpoints of Recruitment through her experience leading Recruitment teams as well as being on global advisory boards for recruitment technology. She is New Zealand’s first Certified Metaverse Expert and the director of Tech with Heart, an organisation that helps companies prepare their future strategies. Through her presentation at SHAPE, Melissa plans to help the audience harness the power of technology and people. The two are a dynamic combination that are the key to future success.

“I’ll be discussing current trends and issues and giving tips on how to prepare for the future. It’s coming and it is coming fast, explains Melissa.

“World leading Thinker, Inventor and Futurist, Ray Kurzweil has been quoted as saying, ‘We will see as much progress in the decade ahead (2023 – 2033) as we have seen in the past century (1923 – 2023).’ It’s mind blowing and highlights the importance of being aware and educated so we can adapt and soar in the future.”

During her presentation, Melissa will talk about navigating the culture of tech and give tips on how to optimise the best of people and the best of technology for the future. She says awareness is an important part of the journey.

“We need to remember that humans are important in the tech vortex, we also need to try and not be afraid of what is coming in the tech and AI spaces. Organisations cannot risk being left behind.

“Technologies that might seem a little bit distant, may actually be a lot closer than people think. I will establish the connection between some of those technologies and the recruitment industry to help the audience wrap its head around how the tech could apply to their business.

“We will explore both current and future trends shaping our workforce and I’ll provide some guidance on the best areas to focus on to maximise the best of both.

“Recruiters have their fingers on the pulse of the world of work and I can’t wait to connect and share my insights with industry leaders.”

Tickets to SHAPE NZ are on sale now.