Doing More With Less: 3 Challenges Recruiters are Facing in 2024

22 February 2024

The recruitment industry is always changing, and lately, recruiters have been facing pressure to do more with less. Businesses are keeping a close eye on their bottom line, hoping to make more placements from their databases, cut budgets where they can, and operate more efficiently overall.

In this article, Daxtra will break down three challenges recruiters are facing today, and discuss ways to mitigate those challenges and help recruiters make more placements with fewer resources.

Data Monetization

Monetizing data refers to the process of generating revenue from the information stored within your database. In recruiting, this means leveraging the valuable insights and candidate information in your existing database to fill roles. Hiring from your internal database can, in turn, help reduce reliance on costly external sourcing and job board spending. Utilising an internal database to its full extent can help recruiters save money and manage tight budgets more effectively.

However, monetizing data in a database can be nearly impossible if you’re not working with clean, up-to-date data.

Data Integrity + Management

Data integrity in recruiting refers to how consistent, accurate and reliable the data is. A strong recruitment database will enable recruiters to access up-to-date candidate information without errors. Up-to-date databases can help recruiters evaluate candidates more efficiently, because they reduce the need for additional research on whether a candidate’s qualifications, skills or experience have been updated recently.

Effective Candidate Engagement

Good data matters for more than just monetization - it also plays a key role in candidate engagement. Poor data quality can lead to miscommunication and misguided targeting. But, an optimised data system can empower recruiters to make well-informed decisions. By leveraging the data, recruiters can efficiently manage their talent pool, monitor interactions with candidates, and foster relationships.

They can also deepen their insight into candidates' preferences, which will help when personalising communication for targeted outreach. This can result in enhanced candidate experiences (and a stronger brand reputation). Moreover, well-informed candidate outreach has the potential to boost the volume of high-quality applications and referrals, shorten hiring timelines, and minimise recruitment costs.

But how can recruiters achieve better data integrity? Manually reviewing data can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if recruiters are working with a large database. Fortunately, software solutions are one way to streamline the process. The first step might be a thorough, one-time cleanup of the database to organise existing data, before implementing automated systems to consistently integrate new information and maintain data cleanliness going forward.

By undertaking these measures, recruiters can gain confidence in their internal databases and begin to utilise them more extensively.

Looking for a Solution?

Recruiting is a fast-moving industry, and recruiters need flexible solutions that can help them meet quickly changing needs. At Daxtra, we do just that. We have tools designed to help recruiters streamline their processes. Our AI-powered solutions can automate candidate data entry and deduplication, so you can build a clean, organised database you can trust.

Our experienced APAC team, led by Christian Ward, CEO - APAC, includes Regional Sales Managers Adam Coyne and Mzi Mpande. Christian boasts nearly two decades of expertise in sales, business development, and strategic growth. Adam has honed his skills in sales and business development through roles at Hays and Xref, while Mzi brings a wealth of experience from his time at Broadbean, HubSpot, and Indeed. Together, their collective experiences uniquely position them to provide invaluable support to recruiters throughout the region.

Want to learn more? Contact Daxtra to schedule a demo. 

About Daxtra

Daxtra specialises in intelligent recruitment automation, AI-powered search and match, and multilingual resume and job parsing in 40+ languages. Built on AI and machine learning, our technology seamlessly integrates with other recruitment solutions, including ATS and CRM. Headquartered in the UK, Daxtra has been developing innovative recruitment software since 2002 and supports customers globally via offices in Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific.