Navigating Choppy Waters – A Talent Think Tank

     5 September 2024


On the eve of RCSA's SHAPE conference, an intimate group of industry leaders gathered at Noosa Peppers for a thought-provoking Talent Think Tank, sponsored by Indeed. Its purpose was to confront the challenges of our time. It was a fierce meeting of incredible minds with a focus on not just surviving adversity, but thriving through it and learning to swim when the waters are choppy.

The discussions were facilitated by RCSA CEO Charles Cameron and led by a panel of industry experts including James Cook from Indeed, Innovator and Strategiser Matt Tice, On Q Recruitment’s Founder Catherine O’Mahoney, and CEO/ Founder of Beaumont People Nikki Beaumont.

“The panel bounced off each other incredibly well. They offered a compelling vision for a future where resilience, adaptability, and innovation are the cornerstones of success,” says RCSA CEO Charles Cameron.

James Cook set the tone with a startling forecast. Within the next four years, one in four jobs will undergo dramatic transformation. He urged businesses to shift their focus from traditional roles to a skills-based approach, championing adaptability as the key to staying ahead.

“With Gen Z now a dominant force in the workplace, we all know that our learning environments must evolve to meet the expectations of a generation that thinks differently, works differently, and demands a different kind of leadership,” says Cameron.

Matt Tice from Insurgence (a master of strategy and innovation and leadership) painted a vivid picture of the current economic landscape. He described it as "wobbly" but ripe with opportunity, noting that Australia may not be in a recession, but the pressures on GDP and the regional economy remain undeniable.

“Matt Tice gave the room plenty of food for thought, adds Charles.

“He argued that true leaders emerge when the chips are down. He is challenging businesses to defy the default response to economic uncertainty which is to cut costs and retreat.”

Matt Tice urged the Think Tank to embrace an alternative playbook, to variabilise cost structures, reimagine customer engagement, and reinvent business models. The call to action was clear, - be the wolf in the market, not the deer in the headlights. Seize opportunities when others hesitate.

Catherine O’Mahoney of On Q Recruitment shared her journey through the boom-and-bust cycles of the COVID era, advocating for courage in reimagining the recruitment model. She acknowledged the fatigue that has set in across industries but insisted that now is not the time for complacency. Her sentiments were echoed by Nikki Beaumont of Beaumont People. Nikki reflected on the intense pressures of balancing a human-centric recruitment model with the relentless advance of technology and AI. She highlighted the overwhelming nature of this balancing act but also the immense potential it holds for those willing to innovate.

The conversation continued to deepen when the floor opened to the wider audience. Participants voiced their own challenges when taking risks in a high stake’s environment. There was widespread recognition of the structural limitations in Australia's heavily regulated market but there was also a degree of optimism that together, recruiters have the power to break free from traditional constraints and make positive change.

“I think the biggest takeaway from the Think Tank is that NOW is time for bravery and to step away from the familiar. It’s time we begin forging new paths, to be bold enough to break away from the flock and start charting our own course."